Центар за стратешке алтернативе је невладина и непрофитна организација са седиштем у Београду посвећена истраживању квалитета политичких, безбедносних, економских, друштвених и интеграционихпроцеса у Србији, на Балкану и у свету. Од оснивања 2010. године, ЦСА је постао водећи аналитички центар за истраживање алтернатива интеграцијама Србије у ЕУ и НАТО. Његови аналитичари су се појављивали на насловним странама новина попут "Њујорк тајмса" и "Политике" и редовни су коментатори о политичким и безбедносним збивањима за најугледније српске штампане медије, политичке ТВ и радио емисије. ЦСА је 2016. године постао један од оснивача "Академске платформе Кина-Централна и Источна Европа", посвећене проучавању кинеског пројекта "Појас и пут".

The Center for Strategic Alternatives is a non-governmental organization, based in Belgrade, devoted to research on the quality of political, security, economic and social integrations in Serbia, in the Balkans and in the world. Since its foundation in 2010, it has become a leading Serbian think-tank devoted to exploring alternatives to Serbia’s integration to the EU and NATO. Its analysts have appeared on the front pages of newspapers such as the „New York Times“ and „Politika“, and are regular commentators on political and security hotspots for Serbia’s most prominent newspapers, political TV and radio shows. In 2016, CSA became one of the founding members of the "China-CEEC Academic Platform", devoted to the study of the Chinese "Belt and Road Initiative" in Central and Eastern Europe.

Председник: др Александар Митић

President: Aleksandar Mitić, PhD

Research Fellow at the Center for Belt and Road Studies of the Institute of International Politics and Economics in Belgrade. Former correspondent of Agence France-Presse (AFP), the only war reporter to cover the entire NATO bombings from inside Kosovo in 1999. Former correspondent of the Tanjug news agency from EU and NATO HQ in Brussels. Author of „Kosovo Compromise“, the key strategic communication campaign of the Serbian government against the secession of  Kosovo. Member of the Scientific Council of the Center for Russian Studies, Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade. His latest publications are "The Strategic Framing of the 2015 Migrant Crisis in Serbia" in the volume "Migrants, Refugees and the Media" (Routledge, 2018), "Kosovo 1999: Stranded in a War of Hide-and-Seek" in the volume "Reporting from the Wars 1850-2015: The Origins and Evolution of the War Correspondent" (Vernon Press, 2018), as well as articles "Framing Russo-Serbian Cooperation as a Hybrid Threat: A NATO/EU Strategic Narrative" (Institute of International Politics and Economics, 2020) and "Mapping the Obstructive Narratives on China-CEEC Cooperation" (John Von Neumann University, 2022).

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Извршни директор: др Душан Пророковић

Executive Director: Dušan Proroković, PhD

Research Fellow at the Center for Eurasian Studies of the Institute of International Politics and Economics in Belgrade. Professor of Geopolitics at the Faculty of Diplomacy and Security in Belgrade. Former Serbian State Secretary for Kosovo. Research Fellow at the Institute for International Politics and Economics in Belgrade. Author of books „Geopolitics of Serbia“, „German Geopolitics and the Balkans“ and „Kosovo: Interethnic and Political Relations“. His latest publication is "The Era of Multipolarity" (Službeni glasnik, 2o18).


Потпредседник и члан УО: др Слободан Рељић

Vice-President and member of the Executive Board: Slobodan Reljić, PhD

Professor of Sociology and Media the Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Belgrade. Former editor-in-chief of Serbia’s most influential news magazine „NIN“. Author of „Crisis of the Media, Media in Crisis“, „The Whithering of Free Media“ and „The Media and the Third World War“.


Сарадник и члан УО: Владимир Радомировић

Fellow and Member of the Executive Board: Vladimir Radomirović

Founder and editor-in-chief of the anti-corruption portal “Pištaljka”. Former president of the Journalists' Association of Serbia.  Former deputy editor-in-chief of “Politika”. Founder of the European Center for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF).  Fellow of the “Nieman Foundation” at Harvard University (2014-2015).


Сарадник: др Зоран Миливојевић

Fellow: Zoran Milivojević, PhD

Leading foreign policy commentator for Serbian media. Former Ambassador at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia. Career diplomat in Belgium, the USA, France and Croatia. Former Head of the Foreign Affairs department of the Parliament of Serbia. Member of state delegations on negotiations with the IMF on the Paris club loans, on air space and on the Danube.

Dragan Markovic

Сарадник: Драган Марковић

Fellow: Dragan Marković, MA


Члан Надзорног одборa: Јанко Цветковић

Member of Supervisory Committee: Janko Cvetković


Програмер и вебмастер: Данко Злоборубовић

Programmer and webmaster: Danko Zloporubović